The normal off-line low e glass only have one single silver layer, it have at least 5 membranes, the function layer is the silver layer. For double silver low e glass, theoretically speaking it have at least 9 membranes, the major function layer is two silver layers, between two silver layers, there are metal membranes and dielectric membranes which separated the silver membranes. For the triple silver low e glass, it have at least 13 membranes, there are three silver membranes inside, the metal membranes and dielectric membranes separated the three silver membranes.
The silver membranes in the double silver low e glass and triple silver low e glass is more than the theoretical silver membranes. The added silver membranes is mainly to improve the indoor and outdoor reflective color, and the color through the glass, meanwhile to lower the indoor reflectivity.
The name of the single silver low e glass, double silver low e glass and triple silver low e glass are come from the membrane layer structure. Because the thickness of the membrane layer is very thin, only around several micrometers, from the micro view all are coated film on the glass, but their transmitting performance and diathermal performance have huge difference.
All the reflective glass limited the solar thermal radiation, and also limited the sunlight. If the transmittance is same, the double silver low e glass and triple silver low e glass could block more solar thermal radiation which transfer through the glass. That means, the transmittance is same, but the double silver low e glass and triple silver low e glass have lower shading coefficient, could filter the sunlight into cold light by maximum. The emissivity of the double silver low e glass and triple silver low e glass is also lower, then the heat transfer coefficient(U value or K value) is lower, have good thermal insulating performance in Winter.
Post time: Sep-03-2022